ONE is an organization committed to supporting entrepreneurs starting, growing or financing new business ventures. ONE supports individuals by providing a host of resources, including business support, online tools and connections with mentors and peers such that entrepreneurs have the best chance of success throughout their start-up journey.
The CABHI Innovation Office works in partnership with selected regional innovation centers (RIC) to broker relationships, resources and other opportunities for innovators whose projects enter the CABHI innovation pipeline.
CABHI and Baycrest have had a longstanding professional relationship with OCAD U, the largest and most comprehensive art, design and media university in Canada. OCAD U’s programs and research bridge fields of digital media and design, sustainability, health and wellness, cultural diversity and indigenous cultures.
As stated on their website, Leading Age is a Washington, DC-based association of community-based, nonprofit organizations dedicated to making America a better place to grow old.
AGE-WELL (Aging Gracefully across Environments using Technology to Support Wellness, Engagement and Long Life NCE Inc.) is a Canadian network of researchers and industry, government and non-profit partners dedicated to the creation of technologies and services that benefit older adults and caregivers.
OTN is an independent, not-for-profit organization funded by the Government of Ontario working to deliver care to more patients through innovative telemedicine solutions that bridge the distance of time and geography.
Saint Elizabeth Health Care is a not-for-profit company that brings healthcare services, including senior living services, to people across Canada.
During 2016-17, CABHI was selected as a Strategic Alliance Partner to the OLTCA, an organization that represents over 400 long-term care homes across Ontario.
Innovation accelerators are emerging in many sectors; however, a key differentiator in the development of CABHI was its focus on the seniors’ sector, building upon the existing partnership with the members of the SQLI.