The Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia App

Award Date: 2018
Project Lead(s): Andrea Moser, Family Physician
Project Title: Advancing Access and Excellence in Care Through the Development of a New Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia (BPSD) App
What is the issue?
Individuals with dementia are affected by the behavioural and psychological symptoms of their condition. There is a growing need to identify these symptoms better and consider non-medication treatment options.
What did we do?
We created a mobile app called the Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia. The app included content from a clinical practice guide on the use of antipsychotic medications. Our goal was to make best practices more accessible for healthcare providers at the point-of-care in long-term care homes. We asked physicians, nurses, and pharmacists to test a beta version of the app and provide feedback.
What did we find?
We developed, evaluated, and launched the app on time and within budget. Point-of-care workers reported that it was a useful, convenient, and portable. It saved time compared to using the paper guide. They identified areas of improvement to make it easier to navigate. The app improved their communication with family members and residents about decisions on medications.