Avoiding Hospitalizations for Long Term Care Residents: the PREVIEW-ED© eTool

Award Date: 2017
Project Lead(s): Mike Mutter
Project Title: Avoiding Hospitalizations for Long Term Care Residents: the PREVIEW-ED© eTool
Care Aides and Personal Support Workers comprise more than 70 percent of the staffing in long-term care (LTC) homes and are ideally positioned to notice subtle nuances in the health status of a resident. PREVIEW-ED is a tool that helps staff in LTC detect early health decline among residents related to four conditions: pneumonia, urinary tract infections, dehydration and congestive heart failure (CHF). It measures the signs, symptoms, and severity of nine indicators using a simple scale to score each indicator, generating an aggregate score to quantify changes that have occurred. This project will involve the design, development and beta testing of an electronic version of the PREVIEW-ED tool.