Detecting Frailty in Routine Clinical Practice: The Senior-Friendly Fit-Frailty App

Award Date: 2018
Project Lead(s): Courtney Kennedy
Project Title: Detecting Frailty in Routine Clinical Practice: The Senior-Friendly Fit-Frailty App
The Fit-Frailty App is a user-friendly tool for assessing frailty that can be completed by older adults, family caregivers and health care professionals. Early detection of frailty is important because studies have shown that it can be treated successfully, especially with early intervention. Our project aims to enhance the Fit-Frailty App’s ability to improve the detection and management of frailty in routine clinical practice. Using a co-design approach, working with end-users and the MEDIC team, a Digital Health Applied Research Centre at Mohawk College, funding support will enable important improvements to the initial prototype and design interface. A design-based approach will incorporate the needs and preferences of older adults, including individuals with mild cognitive impairment. Funding support will enable usability testing at the Applied Research Centre and allow scalability to multiple devices and an integrated cloud system.