Developing a gamified assessment tool to estimate physical and cognitive decline in older adults living in nursing homes

Award Date: 2019
Project Lead(s): Charlene Chu
Project Title: Developing a gamified assessment tool to estimate physical and cognitive decline in older adults living in nursing homes
MouvMat is an exergaming system that can promote daily physical activity and is designed for residents for use in institutions like nursing homes. This project aims to design and develop an analytical software engine for MouvMat in order to conduct gamified validated cognitive and physical assessments. The software will be able to measure, analyze, and assess performance variables, detecting cognitive or physical decline in a way that does not burden staff, and flags the initiation of more in-depth assessments and timely interventions. These findings will be part of a solution that can serve as a method to encourage physical and cognitive health through movement for older adults and people living with dementia, as well as a clinical assessment tool.