RESPECT: A Tool for Identifying Risks and Needs for Support

Award Date: 2017
Project Lead(s): Doug Manuel, Senior Scientist and Peter Tanuseputro, Family Doctor, Scientist
Project Title: Risk Evaluation for Support: Predictions for Elder-life in the Community Tool Dementia (RESPECT: Dementia)
What is the issue?
People with dementia have many needs for healthcare and support. Sometimes, it is difficult to identify those who need help. As a result, they and their caregivers may experience poor quality-of-life and distress. They may also not be accessing healthcare in optimal ways.
What did we do?
RESPECT (Risk Evaluation for Support: Predictions for Elder life in the Community Tool) is a validated tool that provides personalized survival estimates and identifies future health and healthcare needs. It helps physicians initiate difficult discussions about goals of care, palliative care needs, and end-of-life care.
We pilot tested the RESPECT app in the community. We aimed to improve care for people living with dementia. We recruited 94 participants to use the app. They also linked their healthcare information so we could assess longer-term outcomes.
What did we find?
RESPECT was well received and worked well in the community setting to identify individuals who would benefit from additional services earlier in their health decline. We were able to collect outcome health data as planned. The information included their preferred location for death, hospitalizations, crisis admissions into long-term care facilities, access to palliative care services, and consultations for advanced care planning.