Join the Baycrest 2046 Challenge

Join the Baycrest 2046 Challenge

Statistics indicate that the world’s aging population continues to grow rapidly. It begs the question: What will life look like in 2046?  How can we help address some of the challenges faced by the aging population, so that we can be better equipped to help all Canadians in the future? 

One of the objectives of the Canadian Centre for Aging and Brain Health Innovation (CC-ABHI) is to help older adults improve their brain health and quality of life through the development and promotion of new innovations and technologies. In honour of Alzheimer’s Awareness Month, CC-ABHI is highlighting the Baycrest 2046 Challenge and inviting participation by supportive and passionate leaders who want to make a difference! 

The Baycrest 2046 Challenge, launched by the Baycrest Foundation, is a perception-shifting fundraising initiative that targets corporate leaders who want to change the future. These leaders must first raise a minimum of $15,000 in donations, which will then allow them to participate in a simulation that will challenge them to complete 30 minutes of their daily activities in a specially designed 30/30 suit – a suit that simulates aging 30 years in 30 minutes. 

The simulation will mimic the experience of living with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia, and will be delivered by Baycrest’s highly trained Centre for Education and Knowledge Exchange team. The 30/30 suit triggers the physical and cognitive effects of aging, and enables participants to then better understand the urgency to fund innovative research to address those age-related challenges.  At Baycrest and CC-ABHI, we believe that technology and innovation will keep older adults safe, independent, and mobile for longer than ever before. 

The Baycrest 2046 Challenge is aimed at spurring innovations that can help improve brain health and quality of life for older adults. It is also aimed at enhancing empathy and compassion when working with an aging population by influencing changes in the work environment. These changes may include increased accessibility, product development and employee training to increase awareness and support for an aging society. 

This Baycrest 2046 Challenge will support Baycrest’s commitment to raise $25 million over the next five years. The money raised will help to fund technologies in production through programs being offered by CC-ABHI — technologies that have the potential to make the future brighter, safer and more accessible for all Canadians. Meet some of the corporate leaders who have already taken this challenge, and see some of their experiences caught on tape, at

For more information on how to participate in the Baycrest 2046 Challenge, please visit or contact Victoria Ferguson at 416-785-2500 x 3827.