CABHI’s competitive innovation programs are designed to move solutions from design to validation to scale-up across diverse settings.
Our programs evolve and adapt, with our current active programs listed below,
and a list of our past programs here.
Core Programs
Design & Development
To address the needs of older adults, their caregivers, healthcare workers, and senior care organizations, CABHI’s Design and Development programs focus on identifying and growing solutions that target critical challenges at the point of care.
Commercialization and Scale-Up
To extract value from the provincial, national, and global innovation ecosystem, CABHI’s Commercialization and Scale-Up programs support healthtech companies in achieving business milestones to scale and grow.

Spark Program
Mentorship, Capital and Continuation (MC2) Program
in partnership with National Bank
The Spark program supports the development of new intellectual property (IP) by researchers, clinicians, and point-of-care staff to solve critical care challenges. It provides funding and tailored resources to move solutions from developing and testing to implementing in different settings.
Funded projects gain access to our acceleration services, which support the adoption of mature solutions at senior care organizations, as well as access to opportunities to explore follow-up investment by other funders or industry partners.
See our most recent Spark program offering:
The Mentorship, Capital and Continuation (MC2) Program focuses on supporting healthtech companies in achieving their specific business milestones and scale and grow.
Innovators with solutions that are ready to be piloted and/or purchased can apply to these programs to access investment and tailored acceleration services that will help them move from validation and refinement to spread and scale.
See our most recent MC2 Program offerings:

Spark Program
The Spark program supports the development of new intellectual property (IP) by researchers, clinicians, and point-of-care staff to solve critical care challenges. It provides funding and tailored resources to move solutions from developing and testing to implementing in different settings.
Funded projects gain access to our acceleration services, which support the adoption of mature solutions at senior care organizations, as well as access to opportunities to explore follow-up investment by other funders or industry partners.
See our most recent Spark program offering:

Mentorship, Capital and Continuation Program (MC2)
presented in partnership with National Bank
The Mentorship, Capital and Continuation Program (MC2) focuses on supporting healthtech companies in achieving their specific business milestones and scale and grow.
Innovators with solutions that are ready to be piloted and/or purchased can apply to these programs to access investment and tailored acceleration services that will help them move from validation and refinement to spread and scale.
See our most recent MC2 Program offerings:

Innovation Pipeline

Our approach recognizes the complex challenges of moving solutions through the innovation pipeline:
Design and develop solutions that are responsive to end-user and health system needs.
Validate and refine solutions that show benefits and impact in use-case scenarios.
Implement and scale solutions in real-world settings to overcome the unique individual, organizational, and system-level barriers to adoption.
Our evolving slate of programs and services help build individual and organizational capacity for higher innovation adoption rates; contribute to the development of a broader culture of innovation within and beyond Canada; and generate a greater impact on improving the lives of older adults and those who serve them.