Careteams: A Digital Platform to Improve Care Coordination and Communication ...The Careteam digital platform coordinates care plans across multiple health teams and settings and improves communication with patients and caregivers. 14 May, 2020 tagged I2P2 v2 / Care Coordination and Navigation / care coordination / Care team / caregiver navigation / client satisfaction / dementia / patient navigation / Industry Innovation Partnership Program (I2P2)
Virtual Care Conferences: Driving Collaborative Care Planning Through TechnologyThis project aims to address the logistical challenges of caregivers for seniors and persons living with dementia that […] 13 May, 2020 tagged Spark v4 / Care Coordination and Navigation / care coordination / caregivers / virtual care / Spark
Supporting Patients, Care Partners and Physicians in Care Coordination and ...The Red Deer Primary Care Network developed an Elder Care Assessment Clinic, which opened in June 2017. The […] 12 May, 2020 tagged Spark v3 / Caregiver Support / care coordination / Elder Care Case Coordinator / primary care network / senior population / Spark