High-Tech Insoles and an App for Reducing FallsDo high-tech insoles help seniors with mobility issues avoid falling? 20 Sep, 2019 tagged SOF v1 / Falls Prevention / apps / fall prevention / physical activity / safety / seniors’ care / Strategic Opportunity Fund (SOF)
Lifelong Learning: Online Courses for Seniors Living at HomeActive Seniors is an online resource hub and platform offering interactive recreational courses. 20 Sep, 2019 tagged Spark v1 / Cognitive Health / cognitive fitness / recreation / seniors’ care / The Perley Rideau Active Seniors / web-based tools / Spark
A New Tool Identifies Older Adults at Risk for Alzheimer’s ...The SuMA assessment tool helps identify memory problems. 20 Sep, 2019 tagged Spark v2 / Cognitive Health / Alzheimer’s disease / assessment / dementia / memory / seniors’ care / SuMA / Spark
A New Approach for Reducing Medications in Long-Term Care ResidentsHow do point-of-care workers safely reduce medication use in long-term care? 20 Sep, 2019 tagged Spark v1 / Cognitive Health / deprescribing / healthcare delivery / long-term care / MedSafer / polypharmacy / seniors’ care / Spark
More than Motor: A New Program for Seniors with Parkinson’s ...The Memory and Language Program helps people with Parkinson’s Disease improve their memory and ability to communicate. 20 Sep, 2019 tagged Spark v2 / Cognitive Health / healthcare delivery / Memory and Language Program / Parkinson’s Disease / seniors’ care / speech / Spark
Linggo: A New Communication App for Non-Verbal People with DementiaThe Linggo app helps people with dementia communicate better with point-of-care workers. 19 Sep, 2019 tagged Spark v2 / Cognitive Health / communication / dementia / Linggo / point-of-care workers / seniors’ care / Spark
Stronger at Home: Volunteer-Led Exercise for Seniors with DementiaStronger at Home is an in-home exercise program to prevent falls and emergency room visits. 19 Sep, 2019 tagged Spark v1 / Cognitive Health / caregivers / dementia / falls prevention / physically active / seniors’ care / Stronger at Home / Spark
Peer Support Groups Reduce Loneliness in Residential Care HomesPeer support groups in seniors’ care provide residents with meaningful connection and a sense of belonging. 19 Sep, 2019 tagged KMP2 v1 / Cognitive Health / Java Memory Care / Java Music Club / peer support / recreation / seniors’ care / social activity / Knowledge Mobilization Partnership Program (KMP2)
An Evaluation of Two Caregiver Support Group ProgramsTwo support groups for spouses provide knowledge and coping skills. 19 Sep, 2019 tagged Spark v1 / Cognitive Health / caregiver / caregiver challenges / dementia / seniors’ care / support groups / Spark
New Guidelines for Deprescribing Medications in Older AdultsHow do you teach point-of-care workers safe ways for older adults to reduce or stop taking medications? 19 Sep, 2019 tagged KMP2 v1 / Cognitive Health / deprescribing / healthcare delivery / medication / point-of-care workers / seniors’ care / specialized training / Knowledge Mobilization Partnership Program (KMP2)
A Toolkit for Assessing Balance and MobilityThe Balance toolkit helps test balance and walking in seniors. 19 Sep, 2019 tagged Spark v1 / Falls Prevention / Balance toolkit / fall prevention / mobility / rehabilitation / seniors’ care / web-based tools / Spark
Supportive Oral Health for SeniorsSupportive Oral Health for Seniors is a new program to deliver preventive dental care to residents. 19 Sep, 2019 tagged KMP2 v1 / ER Avoidance / dental care / healthcare delivery / long-term care / point-of-care workers / seniors’ care / Knowledge Mobilization Partnership Program (KMP2)