Scalable Training and Web-Based Application Package for Offsetting Hippocampal Neurodegeneration ...This project aims to employ the widely available Google Streetview as a platform for delivering a specialized self-administrable […] 15 May, 2020 tagged RCP2 v3 / Cognitive Health / Google / hippocampal stimulation / virtual-navigation / Researcher Clinician Partnership Program (RCP2)
Measuring the Quality of Care of People with Neurocognitive DisordersWe developed a tool to measure the quality of care provided to people with dementia living in nursing homes. 15 May, 2020 tagged RCP2 v3 / Cognitive Health / nursing home / physician performance / quality measures / Researcher Clinician Partnership Program (RCP2)
Computerized Assessment for Post-Operative Cognitive Decline (POCD) in Elderly Surgical ...The DalCAB is a web-based tool designed to assess fundamental aspects of cognition that could bridge the gap […] 15 May, 2020 tagged RCP2 v3 / Cognitive Health / anesthesia / cognition / POCD / Researcher Clinician Partnership Program (RCP2)
MedSafer API: Tool Links Electronic Health Records with Deprescribing ReportsMedSafer is an electronic tool that guides point-of-care workers through a prescription check-up 14 Apr, 2020 tagged RCP2 v3 / Caregiver Support / deprescribing / electronic health record / medications / MedSafer / seniors / Researcher Clinician Partnership Program (RCP2)
The Brain and Health Wellness Project to Reduce Dementia RiskThe Brain Health and Wellness Project supports clinicians and patients 16 Jan, 2020 tagged RCP2 v3 / Cognitive Health / app / point-of-care worker / seniors / The Wellness App / toolkit / Researcher Clinician Partnership Program (RCP2)